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Rivervale Barn's 10th anniversary wedding venue hampshire © Studio Rouge

Rivervale Barn’s 10th Anniversary (Opened 31st July 2009)

Here at Rivervale Barn, we’re celebrating. This year sees our 10th anniversary and what a fabulous decade it’s been. Beautiful weddings, happy couples, wonderful guests and more memorable occasions than we can count. We’ve loved every day of the past 10 years. However, today, we’re taking you back to the start of the Rivervale story. Here’s a little insight into the concept behind our fantastic wedding venue with the creators themselves, John and Moyra Illsley.

“When our son Paul had the most amazing wedding reception here at Mill Farm, as it was then, some 16 years ago, the seed was sown for what was to come. We used the gardens, the lake and the grounds to host what was a very special day.”

And it was a special day in more ways than one because, as John and Moyra have mentioned, it was at this family wedding that they took the first steps on their journey towards the creation of Rivervale Barn, a stunning purpose-built wedding venue that has hosted hundreds of wedding since its creation.

Rivervale Barn’s gardens being landscaped ready for beautiful flowers

“Mill Farm had been run as a farm for approximately 150 years and had also operated as a water mill, producing flour, for a thousand years so there’s quite a history there. From the outset, our plan was to design a venue where the ceremony room was the focus, closely followed by the dining room, and we wanted both spaces to hold 150 seated guests.”

Rivervale Barn was designed for people and with a real understanding of what couples want on their wedding days. Plenty of space, light, gorgeous details and the ability to use all areas of the venue throughout the day were all things that were high on John and Moyra’s list of priorities.

the dining barn at Rivervale Barn in Hampshire being built ready for the grand opening

“We wanted to make sure there was lots of room for guests. For example, the reception room and bar can hold 200 guests and we’re particularly proud of the fact that dining guests are able to stay and relax at their tables if they wish whilst enjoying the evening entertainment on the dancefloor and in the reception areas.”

From the first inklings of their idea, it took John and Moyra five years to realise their vision for Rivervale Barn. And, as you’ll agree, all the work was worth it.

“After much research and huge planning and construction decisions, we produced the most amazing 9000 square foot green oak barn that’s an absolute feast for the eyes. After 10 years, we can truly say that, with space for everyone, everything is in the right place and we can’t wait to welcome more couples to Rivervale Barn over the coming years.”

We would love to welcome you to Rivervale Barn in our anniversary year. Why not arrange a time to come and visit us so that you can see the barn, the gardens, the accommodation and The Spinney, our superb outdoor ceremony space, for yourself. In the meantime, download our brochure to find out more about weddings at Rivervale Barn.